Text Marketing

Why Text Message Marketing Can Lead to More Patients

When it comes to keeping your patients satisfied, sometimes it’s as simple as increasing your patient outreach efforts. Communicating with patients ensures they attend appointments and return to your practice. Keep reading to find out why text message marketing can lead to more patients! Patients Respond to Text Message Marketing Many practices want to communicate […]

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Improve Your SEO Rankings with Reputation Management

Managing your practice’s online reputation may seem like an overwhelming task. With countless websites posting your information, it’s only natural that your patients will go looking to learn more about your practice.  It can be stressful if you attempt to manage each of these sites and potential locations of information. That’s why tools like MDidentity […]

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Give Your Patients the Online Review Option They Want

Garnering online reviews is essential to the success of your practice in 2021 and beyond. Positive reviews give your practice more authority and reputability. Negative reviews, while unpleasant to receive, give you valuable feedback that you can build on. Either way, patient reviews are a vital piece of your practice’s marketing and patient experience. Patients […]

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What Are The Most Important KPIs for Reputation Management?

Wondering how you can influence your online reputation? What you may not realize is that your online reputation has many factors that can influence it. Some of these you have control over like reviews, net promoter score (NPS), and where that information gets displayed. There are other factors in your reputation, but you have less […]

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The Ins and Outs of MDidentity Express

Are you using your practice’s website to your best advantage? Many medical practices put the bare-bones information on their website and leave the other, more influential components to ads, third-party review sites, and social media. Your website is the online gateway to your practice since it acts as a virtual front door. While it is […]

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Are You Using NPS to Improve Your Practice’s Patient Experience?

How high is your NPS? Do you know what an NPS is and, more importantly, do you know how to use it to enhance the patient experience at your practice? NPS is an excellent tool at your disposal that could give you more valuable feedback than just about any other patient outreach method. Keep reading […]

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Want to Know The Simplest Way to Boost Your Practice’s Reputation?

Doing business in the online world can be overwhelming. There are hundreds of places and ways people can interact with your practice. It’s nearly impossible to be aware of them all, and it can be a full-time job to manage your online presence. But managing your online presence is the only way to ensure you […]

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Are You Hurting Your GMB Rankings Without Even Knowing It?

You know how important your Google My Business rankings are for getting website visitors and ranked on Google. A high GMB ranking gets more patients and prospective patients to call or visit your office. There are three factors that Google uses to determine your GMB rank. They are consistent positive reviews, proximity to city center, […]

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Take Your Review Management to the Next Level

You know that your patients need to have a good experience when they visit your practice. But how do you make sure that it happens? Since you can’t guarantee it 100% of the time, a simple solution is owning your practice’s online reputation. Keep reading to find out why MDidentity will help you take your […]

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Meet the 21st Century of Patient Expectations with MDidentity

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Portland, ME 04102

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